Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Homosexuality does obey the law of nature.

A glance through anthropological and historical records reveals immense cross-cultural variation in the acceptance and repression of homosexual relations between men and between women. So great is this variation that some societies in some eras have imposed capital punishment on men engaging in homosexual acts, while others have held sexual friendships between men to be a social ideal of the most honorable, and even heroic, men. For example, you may be surprised that Achilles was also homosexual, or at least, bisexual. As it is revealed in Aeschylus's heroic trilogy about the Trojan War: "Does it mean nothing to you, the unblemished thighs I worshipped and the showers of kisses you had from me?" or, in other translations "You had no consideration for my pure reverence of your thighs, ungrateful after all our frequent kisses". In fact, more than a time in human history, homosexuality was popular. Let me pick ancient China as an example. In the old days, many aristocratic men are keen on “娈童”, which is sort of production between homosexuality and sodomy. Even emperors has sexual affection on handsome guys.
Some same-sex birds do do it. So do beetles, sheep, fruit bats, dolphins, and orangutans. Zoologists are discovering that homosexual and bisexual activity is not unknown within the animal kingdom. Wild birds exhibit similar behavior. There are male ostriches that only court their own gender, and pairs of male flamingos that mate, build nests, and even raise foster chicks."
In conclusion, homosexuality was common in history and it has well known in the wild. It is not a sickness. It is only a respond to the deepest lust in our heart: sex. Hence, there is no meaning that we should be afraid of it or criminalised it.